North Western Sunrise / Sunset
Sunset at 8:34 pm
Sunset8:28 pmDevonportSunset at 8:28 pm
Sunset8:30 pmBurnieSunset at 8:30 pm
Sunset8:32 pmSmithtonSunset at 8:32 pm
Sunset8:35 pmKing IslandSunset at 8:35 pm
- Abbotsham
- Abeona Creek Entrance
- Aberdeen
- Acacia Hills
- Acton
- Ahrberg Bay
- Aikenhead Point
- Albatross Island
- Alcomie
- Alfhild Bight
- Ambleside
- Amy Creek Entrance
- Ann Bay
- Annes Bay
- Anniversary Point
- Anthony Beach
- Arthur Beach
- Arthur River
- Arthur River-Mouth
- Australia Point
- Back Beach
- Badger Box Creek Entrance
- Badger Head
- Bakers Beach
- Barn Bluff
- Barrier Creek Entrance
- Barrington
- Bass Caravan Park
- Beecraft Point
- Betsys Bay
- Beulah
- Big Beach
- Big Rocky Creek Entrance
- Big Stony
- Bird Island
- Birthday Bay
- Black Point
- Black Pyramid
- Black River
- Black River Entrance
- Blackboy Rocks
- Blackman Point
- Blackman Reef
- Blowhole Creek Entrance
- Bluff Beach
- Bluff Hill Point
- Blythe Heads
- Blythe River Entrance
- Boat Harbour
- Boat Harbour Beach
- Boggy Creek Entrance
- Bold Head
- Boobs Flat
- Boulder Point
- Brickmakers Beach
- British Admiral Beach
- Brittons Swamp
- Broadmeadows
- Broken Arm Beach
- Bronzewing Creek Entrance
- Brooklyn
- Bungaree
- Bungaree Creek Entrance
- Burgess Bay
- Burnie
- Burnie Airport
- Burnie Ocean View Motel and Caravan Park
- Burntwood Point
- Buttons Beach
- Buttons Creek Entrance
- Cable Point
- Calder
- Calm Bay
- Cam River Entrance
- Camdale
- Camena
- Camp Creek Entrance
- Canal Bay
- Cannonball Bay
- Cape Buache
- Cape Elie
- Cape Farewell
- Cape Sorell
- Cape Sorell Offshore
- Cape Wickham
- Castra
- Cataraqui Point
- Cathedral Rocks
- Cethana
- Chambers Bay
- Charleys Beach
- Chasm Creek
- Chasm Creek Entrance
- Christmas Cove
- Christmas Hills
- Christmas Island
- Circular Head
- City of Melbourne Bay
- Claude Road
- Claytons Bay
- Claytons Rivulet Entrance
- Clearwater Bay
- Clydies Corner
- Coles Beach
- Colliers Beach
- Conglomerate Creek Entrance
- Conical Harbour
- Conical Rocks Point
- Cooee
- Cooee Creek Entrance
- Cooee Point
- Copper Cove
- Corinna
- Cottons Creek Entrance
- Councillor Island
- Couta Rocks
- Cow and Calf Rocks
- Cow Rock
- Cowper Point
- Cowrie Point
- Cradle Mountain
- Crayfish Creek
- Crayfish Creek Entrance
- Crotty Dam
- Crown Creek Entrance
- Cumberland Creek Entrance
- Cuprona
- Currie
- Currie Harbour
- Darktown Bay
- Dartys Corner
- Dawson Bay
- Defriez Bay
- Delius Islet
- Denbys Bay
- Denbys Creek Entrance
- Dennis Gulch
- Detention
- Detention River Entrance
- Devils Rock
- Devonport
- Devonport Airport
- Devonport Holiday Village
- Devonport Showground
- Dial Point
- Dirty Bay
- Disappointment Bay
- Discovery Beach
- Doctors Rocks
- Don
- Don Heads
- Don River Entrance
- Doone Creek Entrance
- Doughboy Rock
- Dove Lake
- Downlands
- Driftwood Cove
- Duck Bay
- Duck Creek Entrance
- Eagle Point
- East Beach
- East Cam
- East Devonport
- East Devonport Beach
- East Inlet
- East Ridgley
- East Wynyard Beach
- Edgcumbe Beach
- Edies Point
- Edith Creek
- Edwards Bay
- Eel Creek Entrance
- Egg Island
- Egg Lagoon
- Eldorado Creek Entrance
- Elliott
- Elliott Bay
- Emu Bay
- Emu Bay Boat Ramp
- Emu Heights
- Emu River Entrance
- Endeavour Bay
- Entrance Island
- Erriba
- Ettrick River Entrance
- Eugenana
- Fishpond Rocks
- Fitzmaurice Bay
- Five Sentries
- Flour Mill Bay
- Flowerdale
- Forest
- Forrests Creek Entrance
- Forth
- Forthside
- Forwards Beach
- Fossil Bluff
- Foster Creek Entrance
- Four Mile Beach
- Franklin Rd
- Fraser Beach
- Fraser Bluff
- Fraser River Entrance
- Frederick Head
- Freers Beach
- Freestone Cove
- Frenchmans Cap
- Freshwater Creek Entrance
- Frog Rock
- Gales Bay
- Gawler
- George Town Packet Creek Entrance
- Glance Creek
- Goat Island
- Gormanston
- Gowrie Park
- Grandfathers Beach
- Granite Creek Entrance
- Granville Harbour
- Grassy
- Grassy Bay
- Grassy Harbour
- Grassy Island
- Grassy River Entrance
- Green Point Beach
- Greenes Creek Campground
- Griffiths Point
- Grimes Creek Entrance
- Guildford
- Gulchway
- Gull Rock
- Gunns Plains
- Guyton Point
- Half Moon Bay
- Half Tide Rock
- Halfmoon Bay
- Hampshire
- Hannants Bight
- Harbour Islets
- Hardwicke Bay
- Harford
- Hartwell Cove
- Havenview
- Hawley Beach
- Hazard Bay
- Hellyer
- Henderson Islets
- Henrietta
- Henty Dam
- Henty Gold Mine
- Henty River Entrance
- Heybridge
- Heybridge River Entrance
- Hibbs Bay
- Highclere
- Highfield Point
- Hillcrest
- Horse Yards Campground
- Howth
- Hoyle Creek Entrance
- Hunter Island
- Kara Mine
- Kenneth Bay
- Kindred
- King Island
- King Island-Big Beach
- King Island-Duck Bay
- King Island-Stingray Bay
- King Island Airport
- King Island Racing Club
- Kingston Point
- Koybaa Campground
- Lady Kathleen Beach
- Lake Barrington
- Lake Burbury
- Lake Cethana
- Lake Mackintosh
- Lake Margaret
- Lake Mikany
- Lake Pieman
- Lake Rosebery
- Lakeside Tourist Caravan Park
- Lapoinya
- Latrobe
- Lavinia Point
- Leisure Ville Holiday Centre
- Leith
- Lettes Bay
- Leven River Entrance
- Liberty Bay
- Lighthouse Beach
- Lileah
- Lillico
- Lings Creek Entrance
- Little Badger Head
- Little Beach
- Little Grassy Bay
- Little Grassy Creek Entrance
- Little Henty River Entrance
- Little Peggs Beach
- Little Porky Beach
- Little Trefoil Island
- Lodders Point
- Long Bay
- Loongana
- Loorana
- Lorinna
- Lower Barrington
- Lower Beulah
- Lower Mount Hicks
- Lower Wilmot
- Loyetea
- Lucas Point
- Luina
- Luncheon Hill Forestry
- Lymwood
- MacKenzies Beach
- Macquarie Harbour Entrance
- Macquarie Heads
- Macquarie Heads Campground
- Majors Rocks
- Manuka Campground
- Manuka Creek Entrance
- Marrawah
- Martha Lavinia Beach
- Mawbanna
- Mawson Bay
- Meerim Beach
- Mella
- Melrose
- Mengha
- Mersey Bluff Lighthouse
- Mersey River-Mouth
- Mersey Yacht Club
- Merseylea
- Messengers Creek Entrance
- Meunna
- Miandetta
- Middle Point
- Middlesex
- Midway Beach
- Milabena
- Mill Bay
- Millers Bay
- Minder Cove
- Moina
- Montagu
- Montagu Creek Entrance
- Montello
- Montumana
- Mooreville
- Mooreville Road
- Moorland Beach
- Moorleah
- Moriarty
- Mosquito Inlet
- Mount Achilles
- Mount Bischoff
- Mount Cameron Beach
- Mount Darwin
- Mount Dundas
- Mount Geikie
- Mount Gell
- Mount Hicks
- Mount Huxley
- Mount Jukes
- Mount Lyell
- Mount Murchison
- Mount Owen
- Mount Pelion West
- Mount Read
- Mount Roland
- Mount Sedgwick
- Mount Sorell
- Mount Strahan
- Mount Thetis
- Mount Tyndall
- Mulcahy Bay
- Murkay Islets
- Myalla
- Nabageena
- Naracoopa
- Nares Rocks
- Native Well Bay
- Natone
- Nelson Bay
- Nelson Bay River Mine
- Netherby Bay
- Netherby Point
- Nettley Bay
- New Year Island
- Newdegate Creek Entrance
- Newton Dam
- Nielsen Cove
- Nietta
- Nine Mile Beach
- Nook
- Norfolk Creek Entrance
- North Bric Rock
- North Motton
- North Point
- Northdown
- Northdown Beach
- Nowhere Else
- Nugara
- Nye Bay
- Packers Creek Entrance
- Paloona
- Paradise
- Pardoe Beach
- Pardoe Point
- Park Grove
- Parklands
- Parrawe
- Pass River Entrance
- Patricks Bay
- Pearshape
- Pebbly Bay
- Pebbly Beach
- Pegarah
- Peggs Beach
- Penguin
- Penguin Creek Entrance
- Penguin Island
- Penguin Islet
- Penguin Point
- Periwinkle Beach
- Perkins Bay
- Perkins Island
- Petrel Islands
- Phoques Bay
- Picnic Point
- Picnic Point Beach
- Pieman Head
- Pieman River-Corinna
- Pieman River-Corinna Creek Entrance
- Pieman River-Delville Creek Entrance
- Pieman River-Donaldson River Entrance
- Pieman River-Ferry Point
- Pieman River-Hardwicke Point
- Pieman River-Lenna Creek Entrance
- Pieman River-Lovers Corner
- Pieman River-Misery Island
- Pieman River-Savage River Entrance
- Pieman River-Websters Creek Entrance
- Pieman River-Wilsons Point
- Pieman River-Yanns Reach
- Pieman River Entrance
- Pilot Bay
- Pine Corner
- Point Sorell
- Pollys Bay
- Porky Beach
- Porky Creek Entrance
- Port Creek Entrance
- Port Fenton River Entrance
- Port Latta
- Port Sorell
- Port Sorell Boat Ramp
- Port Sorell Entrance
- Prater Rock
- Preolenna
- Preservation Bay
- Preston
- Prickly Wattle Campground
- Promised Land
- Railton
- Ransonnet Bay
- Red Hut Point
- Redpa
- Reekara
- Renison Bell
- Riana
- Ridgley
- Risby Cove
- Robbins Creek Entrance
- Robbins Island
- Robbins Passage
- Rocky Cape
- Rocky Cape Beach
- Rocky Point
- Roger River
- Roland
- Romaine
- Rosebery
- Rough Bay
- Round Hill
- Round Hill Point
- Saddle Bight
- Saint Clair Creek Entrance
- Sanctuary Bay
- Sandblow Bay
- Sandblow Point
- Sandfly Beach
- Sandy Cape Campground
- Sassafras
- Savage River
- Sawyer Bay
- Schramms Cove
- Scopus
- Scotchtown
- Sea Elephant
- Sea Elephant Bay
- Sea Elephant River Entrance
- Seabrook Creek Entrance
- Seagull Islet
- Seal Bay
- Seal Point
- Shearwater
- Sheffield
- Shell Beach
- Shelter Point
- Shipwreck Point
- Shorewell Park
- Sisters Beach
- Sisters Creek
- Sisters Creek Entrance
- Sisters Island
- Skipworths Creek Entrance
- Slaves Bay
- Smithton
- Smithton Airport
- Somerset
- Somerset Beach
- South Black Rock
- South Bric Rock
- South Burnie
- South Burnie Beach
- South Forest
- South Gap Creek Entrance
- South Nietta
- South Preston
- South Riana
- South Spreyton
- Spalford
- Spero Bay
- Split Rock
- Sprent
- Spreyton
- Spreyton Park Racecourse
- Springlawn Campground
- Spy Island
- Squeaking Point
- Stack Island
- Stanley
- Stanley Harbour
- Staverton
- Steep Island
- Stingray Bay
- Stokes Point
- Stoney Creek Entrance
- Stony Rise
- Stoodley
- Stowport
- Strahan
- Strahan Airport
- Studland Bay
- Sulphur Creek
- Sulphur Creek Entrance
- Sunken Rocks
- Sunnyside
- Surf Club Point
- Surging Point
- Surprise Bay
- Surprise Creek Entrance
- Surprise Point
- Table Cape
- Takone
- Tall Timbers Tasmania
- Tarleton
- Taroona Point
- Tasman River Entrance
- Tatlows Beach
- Tea Tree Point
- Teal Cove
- Temma
- Tewkesbury
- The Carbuncle
- The Fish Pond
- The Gut
- Thirlstane
- Three Hummock Island
- Three Rivers Bay
- Three Rivers Creek Entrance
- Three Sisters
- Tiddys Beach
- Titan Point
- Togari
- Towterer Beach
- Trefoil Island
- Trial Harbour
- Trowutta
- Trumpeter Point
- Tugrah
- Tullah
- Turners Beach
- Turners Rock
- Two Mile Sands
- Ulverstone
- Ulverstone Golf Club
- University of Tasmania Cradle Coast
- Unlucky Bay
- Upper Burnie
- Upper Castra
- Upper Natone
- Upper Stowport
- Wakefield Creek Entrance
- Walker Island
- Walkers Cove
- Waratah
- Watcombe Beach
- Weber Point
- Wesley Vale
- West Beach
- West Coast
- West Inlet
- West Kentish
- West Montagu
- West Mooreville
- West Pine
- West Point
- West Ridgley
- West Takone
- West Ulverstone
- Wet Cave Point
- Whale Rock
- Whalebone Beach
- Whalebone Creek Entrance
- Whalers Point
- Wheel Bay
- Whistler Point
- White Beach
- White Spur Lake
- Whitehorses Beach
- Wickham
- Wilmot
- Wiltshire
- Windred Creek Entrance
- Wings Wildlife Park
- Wivenhoe
- Woody Hill Point
- Woolnorth
- Woolnorth Point
- Wreck Bay
- Wright Island
- Wynyard