Gascoyne Sunrise / Sunset
Sunset at 6:30 pm
Sunset6:29 pmExmouthSunset at 6:29 pm
Sunset6:32 pmDirk Hartog IslandSunset at 6:32 pm
- Babbage Island
- Badjirrajirra Creek-Mouth
- Bateman Bay
- Beacon Point
- Bejaling Sand Patch
- Bernier Island
- Bickley Wharf
- Big Lagoon Campground
- Big Lagoon Entrance
- Bills Bay
- Black Rock
- Black Rock Passage
- Bloodwood Creek Entrance
- Boat Passage
- Bottle Bay Campground
- Boundary Reef
- Broadhurst Bight
- Brockman
- Brown Range
- Bruboodjoo Point
- Bulbarli Point
- Bundegi Beach
- Bundegi Boat Ramp
- Bundegi Reef
- Burringurrah
- Bush Bay
- Camp 14 Mile Beach
- Cape Bellefin
- Cape Cuvier
- Cape Farquhar
- Cape Heirisson
- Cape Inscription
- Cape Lesueur
- Cape Levillain
- Cape Peron North
- Cape Range National Park
- Cape Rose
- Carbla
- Cardabia Homestead Airport
- Carnarvon
- Carnarvon Airport
- Carnarvon Boat Harbour Entrance
- Carnarvon Boat Ramp Harbour Road
- Carnarvon Boat Ramp Pelican Point Road
- Carnarvon Harbour
- Carnarvon Tramway Bridge
- Carnarvon Yacht Club
- Carrarang
- Cattle Well Beach
- Chabjuwardoo Bay
- Coburn
- Coral Bay
- Coral Bay Airport
- Coral Bay Maritime Facility
- Eagle Bluff
- Eagle Island
- East Carnarvon
- East Lyons River
- Eastern Bluff
- Edmund Station Airport
- Egg Island
- Exmouth
- Exmouth Airport
- Exmouth Boat Harbour
- Exmouth FAD1 offshore
- Exmouth FAD2 offshore
- Exmouth FAD3 offshore
- Exmouth FAD4 offshore
- Exmouth Gulf
- False Island Point
- Faure Island
- Five Fingers Reef
- Five Mile Bay
- Flag Pole Landing
- Francois Peron National Park
- Frazer Island
- Freycinet Reach
- Friday Island
- Gascoyne Junction
- Gascoyne Junction Airport
- Gascoyne River
- Gascoyne River Entrance
- Gilroyd
- Gladstone Bay
- Gnarraloo Bay
- Greenough Point
- Gregories Campground
- Grey Point
- Greys Plain
- Lharidon Bight
- Lagoon Point
- Learmonth
- Learmonth Airport
- Lefroy Bay
- Lighthouse Bay
- Little Lagoon Entrance
- Louisa Bay
- Low Point
- Lyndon
- Macleod
- Mandu Mandu Creek Entrance
- Mangrove Bay
- Mangrove Creek Entrance
- Mangrove Point
- Massey Bay
- Mauds Landing
- Mauritius Beach
- Meade Island
- Meadow
- Miaboolya Beach
- Miaboolya Creek Entrance
- Middle Bluff
- Minilya
- Monck Head
- Monkey Mia
- Morgantown
- Mount Augustus
- Mount Augustus Peak
- Mowbowra Creek Entrance
- Nanga
- Nerren Nerren
- New Beach
- Nicholas Bank
- Ningaloo
- North Entrance
- North Plantations
- North Reef
- North West Cape
- Northwest Seafoods Wharf
- Norwegian Bay
- Notch Point
- Paradise Beach
- Pebble Beach
- Pelican Island
- Pelican Point
- Petit Point
- Pilgonaman Bay
- Pilgramunna Creek Entrance
- Point Anderson
- Point Billie
- Point Cloates
- Point Edgar
- Point Maud
- Point Murat
- Point Petit Bore
- Point Quobba
- Point Whitmore
- Purdy Point
- Sandy Bay
- Sandy Point
- Saturday Island
- Shark Bay
- Shark Bay Inr Bn
- Shark Bay Airport
- Shell Beach
- Skeleton Beach
- Skipjack Point
- Slope Island
- Snapper Jetty
- South Carnarvon
- South Gregories Campground
- South Plantations
- Stanley Pool
- Syds Bluff
- T Jetty
- T-Bone Bay
- Talisker
- Tamala
- Tantabiddi
- Teggs Channel
- Temple Gorge Campground
- Tetrodon Loop
- The Fascine
- The Lagoon
- Toolonga
- Torpedo Bay
- Town Beach
- Town Bluff
- Trealla Beach
- Tulki Beach
- Tumbledown Point
- Turquoise Bay
- Turtle Bay