Northern Sunrise / Sunset
Sunrise at 7:15 am
Sunrise7:19 amLauncestonSunrise at 7:19 am
Sunrise7:15 amSt HelensSunrise at 7:15 am
Sunrise7:21 amDeloraineSunrise at 7:21 am
Sunrise7:20 amGeorge TownSunrise at 7:20 am
Sunrise7:18 amCampbell TownSunrise at 7:18 am
- Abbotsbury Beach
- Adams Beach
- Adelaide Bay
- Akaroa
- Alanvale
- Alberton
- Allports Beach
- Anderson Bay
- Ansons Bay
- Ansons River Entrance
- Anvil Rock
- Arthur Bay
- Artillery Knob
- Avoca
- Babel Island
- Badger Beach
- Badger Corner
- Badger Island
- Banca
- Bangor
- Barbers Beach
- Barnbougle Beach
- Barnbougle Dunes Golf Links
- Barnbougle Lost Farm
- Barrel Rock
- Bass Pyramid
- Bay of Fires
- Baynes Island
- Beaconsfield
- Beagle Rock
- Beaumaris
- Beauty Bay
- Beauty Point
- Beechford
- Beerbarrel Beach
- Bell Bay
- Bellboy Beach
- Bellingham
- Ben Lomond
- Ben Lomond National Park Camping Area
- Bens Creek Entrance
- Big Green Island
- Big Lagoon Entrance
- Big River Cove
- Big River Entrance
- Big Rock
- Billy Goat Reefs
- Binalong Bay
- Binalong Bay Boat Ramp
- Bird Island
- Bird Rock
- Birralee
- Bishopsbourne
- Black Reef
- Black Reef River Tamar
- Black Rock Point
- Blackstone Heights
- Blackwall
- Blackwood Creek
- Blanche Point
- Blessington
- Blind Creek Entrance
- Blizzards Landing
- Blue Rocks
- Bluff Beach
- Blumont
- Blyth Bay
- Blyth Point
- Boat Harbour Beach
- Boat Harbour Creek Entrance
- Boat Harbour Point
- Bobby Halls Rock
- Boggy Creek Entrance
- Boobyalla
- Boobyalla Bay
- Boobyalla Beach
- Boobyalla Inlet
- Bottlerock Beach
- Boulder Point
- Bracknell
- Branxholm
- Breadalbane
- Break Yoke Beach
- Break Yoke Creek Entrance
- Bridgenorth
- Bridport
- Bridport Airport
- Bridport Pier Boat Ramp
- Briggs Islet
- British Creek Entrance
- Broadwater Creek Entrance
- Buckpitt Gulch
- Buffalos Beach
- Bun Beetons Point
- Burial Point
- Burns Creek
- Cameron Inlet
- Campbell Town
- Campbells Point
- Cape Barren Island
- Cape Frankland
- Cape Naturaliste
- Cape Portland
- Carrick
- Castle Crag
- Castle Rock Point
- Cat Island
- Cave Beach
- Caveside
- Chain Of Lagoons
- Chalky Island
- Chudleigh
- Cimitier Creek Entrance
- Clarence Point
- Clarke Island
- Clerk Point
- Cleveland
- Cluan
- Cobler Creek Entrance
- Cobler Rocks
- Cod Bay
- Coffeys Gulch
- Conara
- Cornwall
- Craggy Island
- Cray Creek Entrance
- Cressy
- Cressy Research Station
- Cronleys Creek Entrance
- Croppies Beach
- Croppies Point
- Croquet Lawn Beach
- Cuckoo
- Curries River Entrance
- Curries Rivulet Entrance
- Dairy Plains
- Dark Hollow Creek Entrance
- Deal Island
- Deddington
- Deep Bight
- Deloraine
- Denison Rivulet Entrance
- Derby
- Deviot
- Devon Hills
- Dianas Basin
- Dianas Beach
- Dilston
- Doggys Bay
- Dora Point
- Dotterel Point
- Double Corner
- Douglas River
- Douglas River Entrance
- Douglas-Apsley
- Dover Island
- Duck Island
- Duncan Colliery
- Dunorlan
- East Beach
- East Boat Harbour
- East Cove
- East Kangaroo Island
- East Launceston
- East Sandy Point
- Eastmans Beach
- Eddystone
- Eddystone Point
- Eddystone Rock
- Edens Creek Entrance
- Egg Beach
- Elephant Rock
- Elizabeth Town
- Elphin
- Emita
- Epping Forest
- Erith Island
- Evandale
- Exeter
- Exton
- Falmouth
- Fancy Reef
- Fannys Bay
- Fergusons Creek Entrance
- Fingal
- Fisher Reef
- Five Mile Bluff
- Flat Rock Reefs
- Flinders Island
- Flinders Island-Long Point
- Flinders Island Airport
- Flowery Gully
- Foochow Beach
- Foochow Inlet
- Forester
- Forester Rock
- Foster Inlet
- Foster Islands
- Fotheringate Beach
- Fotheringate Creek Entrance
- Four Mile Bluff
- Four Mile Creek
- Four Mile Creek Entrance
- Frankford
- Franklin Village
- Freshwater Creek Entrance
- Friends Point
- Frome Dam
- Garden Cove
- Gardens Lagoon Beach
- Gardens Lagoon Entrance
- Gardens Point
- Gardens Reef
- George River Entrance
- George Rocks
- George Town
- George Town Airport
- Georges Bay
- Giblin Peak
- Gladstone
- Glengarry
- Goftons Beach
- Golconda
- Golden Fleece Bridge
- Golden Valley
- Goose Island
- Goshen
- Gossys Reef
- Goulds Country
- Granite Point
- Granite Rock Point
- Grannys Gut
- Grants Lagoon Entrance
- Grants Point
- Gravelly Beach
- Gray
- Great Dog Island
- Great Forester River Entrance
- Great Musselroe Bay
- Great Musselroe River Entrance
- Green Point
- Greens Beach
- Grindelwald
- Groves Creek Entrance
- Gumhill Creek Entrance
- Gunters Bay
- Hadspen
- Hagley
- Half Tide Rock
- Harmans Creek Entrance
- Hays Creek Entrance
- Henderson Lagoon Entrance
- Henderson Point
- Herbies Landing
- Herrick
- Hillwood
- Hogan Island
- Holloway Point
- Holts Point
- Holwell
- Home Beach
- Honeymoon Point
- Horseshoe Bank
- Hughes Creek Entrance
- Humbug Point
- Huntsman Lake
- Jackeys Marsh
- Jacks Lookout Creek Entrance
- Jacksons Cove
- Jeanneret Beach
- Jetsonville
- Joes Creek Entrance
- Kamona
- Karoola
- Kayena
- Kelso
- Kelso Sands Holiday and Native Wildlife Park
- Kennetts Gully
- Killafaddy
- Killiecrankie
- Killiecrankie Bay
- Killiecrankie Creek Entrance
- Kimberley
- King Davids Peak
- Kings Meadows
- Kirwans Beach
- Lackrana
- Lades Beach
- Lady Barron
- Lady Barron Flinders Island Airport
- Lady Barron Boat Ramp
- Lagoons Beach
- Lagoons Point
- Lake Creek Entrance
- Lake Leake
- Lake Mackenzie
- Lake Rowallan
- Lalla
- Lanena
- Lanoma Point
- Larc Beach
- Launceston
- Launceston Airport
- Launceston Holiday Park
- Lawrys Point
- Lebrina
- Leeka
- Lefroy
- Legana
- Legerwood
- Legges Tor
- Lemons Beach
- Liena
- Lietinna
- Liffey
- Lillies Bay
- Lilydale
- Limestone Bay
- Lisle
- Little Badger Corner
- Little Badger Island
- Little Beach
- Little Beach Creek Entrance
- Little Chalky Island
- Little Dog Island
- Little Elephant
- Little Forester River Entrance
- Little Green Island
- Little Island
- Little Musselroe Bay
- Little Musselroe River Entrance
- Little Pipers River Entrance
- Little River Entrance
- Little Swan Island
- Little Waterhouse Island
- Loccota
- Loira
- Long Point
- Long Point Beach
- Long Reach
- Longford
- Longford Racecourse
- Lords Point
- Lottah
- Low Head
- Low Head Boat Ramp
- Low Islets
- Low Point
- Lower Marsh Creek Entrance
- Lower Turners Marsh
- Lughrata
- Lulworth
- Lumera Creek Entrance
- Maclean Bay
- Maclean Island
- Maitland Bay
- Mangana
- Margerys Corner
- Mariposa Beach
- Mariposa Point
- Marriott Reef
- Marshall Beach
- Mateys Gulch
- Mathinna
- Mattingleys Beach
- Maurouard Beach
- Mayberry
- Mayfield
- McDonalds Point
- McIntyres Beach
- Meander
- Meander Dam
- Memana
- Mermaids Beach
- Mersey Forest
- Middle Inlet
- Middle Pasco Island
- Mile Island
- Millers Beach
- Mines Creek Entrance
- Mole Creek
- Mole Creek Caravan Park
- Moltema
- Montana
- Moorina
- Mosquito Creek Entrance
- Mother Cummings Peak
- Moulting Bay
- Mount Arthur
- Mount Barrow
- Mount Chappell Island
- Mount Direction
- Mount Geryon
- Mount Massif
- Mount Munro
- Mount Ossa
- Mount Pelion East
- Mount Victoria
- Mount William
- Mowbray
- Mowbray Racecourse
- Murdochs Beach
- Musselroe Bay
- Musselroe Point
- Myrtle Bank
- Nabowla
- Nalinga Creek Entrance
- Needles
- Newnham
- Newstead
- Night Island
- Nile
- Ninth Island
- Nobbys Rock
- Noland Bay
- North East Isle
- North East River Entrance
- North East Rock
- North Esk River-Old Launceston Seaport Marina
- North Lilydale
- North Pasco Island
- North Scottsdale
- Northeast Park
- Norwood
- Notley Hills
- Nunamara
- OConnors Beach
- Oaks
- Old Billys Creek Entrance
- Old Jetty Beach
- Old Man Rocks
- Old Mans Head
- Old Pier Beach
- Onion Creek Entrance
- Osmaston
- Outer Sister Island
- Oyster Rocks
- Paddys Island
- Palana
- Palana Boat Ramp
- Parkham
- Parrys Bay
- Patersonia
- Patriarch Inlet
- Pats River Entrance
- Peach Trees Point
- Pebbly Beach
- Pelican Point
- Perth
- Petal Point
- Petrifaction Bay
- Piccaninny Creek Entrance
- Piccaninny Point
- Picnic Corner
- Picnic Point
- Picnic Rocks
- Pier Point
- Pigs Head Point
- Pilot Station
- Pinnacle Rock
- Pioneer
- Pipers Brook
- Pipers Head
- Pipers River
- Pipers River Entrance
- Planter Beach
- Poatina
- Point Reid
- Policemans Point
- Port Davies
- Pot Boil Point
- Powranna
- Preservation Island
- Prime Seal Island
- Prospect
- Prospect Vale
- Punchbowl
- Purdon Bay
- Pyengana
- Ranga
- Ransons Beach
- Ravenswood
- Red Bluff
- Red Hills
- Red Rock Point
- Red Rocks
- Reddins Creek Entrance
- Reedy Creek Entrance
- Reedy Marsh
- Regatta View Point
- Relbia
- Retreat
- Ringarooma
- Ringarooma Bay
- River Tamar-Anchor Point
- River Tamar-Arthurs Head
- River Tamar-Ashmans Point
- River Tamar-Atkinsons Creek Entrance
- River Tamar-Barnards Creek Entrance
- River Tamar-Barnards Point
- River Tamar-Barnes Point
- River Tamar-Barretts Point
- River Tamar-Batman Bridge
- River Tamar-Beauty Point Boat Ramp
- River Tamar-Beauty Point Marina
- River Tamar-Big Bay
- River Tamar-Blackmans Creek Entrance
- River Tamar-Bonnie Beach
- River Tamar-Bradleys Beach
- River Tamar-Brickmakers Point
- River Tamar-Browns Bluff
- River Tamar-Bryants Bay
- River Tamar-Cimitiere Point
- River Tamar-Clarence Point Boat Ramp
- River Tamar-Coldwater Creek Entrance
- River Tamar-Comalco Wharf
- River Tamar-Cordell Point
- River Tamar-Cormiston Creek Entrance
- River Tamar-Coxs Bight
- River Tamar-Crescent Shore
- River Tamar-Cummings Creek Entrance
- River Tamar-Dark Hollow Point
- River Tamar-Davis Cove
- River Tamar-Deceitful Cove
- River Tamar-Devils Elbow
- River Tamar-Deviot Boat Ramp
- River Tamar-Dirty Bay
- River Tamar-Dog Point
- River Tamar-Donovans Bay
- River Tamar-Drumstick Islet
- River Tamar-East Arm
- River Tamar-Egg Island
- River Tamar-Egg Island Creek Entrance
- River Tamar-Egg Island Point
- River Tamar-Faheys Creek Entrance
- River Tamar-Freshwater Point
- River Tamar-Garden Island
- River Tamar-Gibsons Beach
- River Tamar-Gravelly Beach Boat Ramp
- River Tamar-Gravelly Beach Marine
- River Tamar-Great Mary Ann Creek
- River Tamar-Green Hillock Point
- River Tamar-Haystack Point
- River Tamar-Home Reach
- River Tamar-Honduras Bank
- River Tamar-Hospital Point
- River Tamar-Humbug Reach
- River Tamar-Hunters Cut
- River Tamar-Inspection Head
- River Tamar-Inspection Head Wharf
- River Tamar-Jarmans Bay
- River Tamar-Johnstons Flats
- River Tamar-Kelso Bay
- River Tamar-Kelso Boat Ramp
- River Tamar-Lagoon Beach
- River Tamar-Lawrences Bluff
- River Tamar-Legana Beach
- River Tamar-Lightfoot Bay
- River Tamar-Little Devils Elbow
- River Tamar-Little Saltwater Creek Entrance
- River Tamar-Little Swan Point
- River Tamar-Lockwoods Point
- River Tamar-Lone Pine Point
- River Tamar-Lovers Islets
- River Tamar-Macquarie Rivulet Entrance
- River Tamar-McKays Creek Entrance
- River Tamar-Middle Arm Entrance
- River Tamar-Middle Island
- River Tamar-Middle Point
- River Tamar-Miserable Island
- River Tamar-Moriarty Reach
- River Tamar-Mowbray Point
- River Tamar-Muddy Creek Entrance
- River Tamar-Native Point
- River Tamar-Nelsons Shoal
- River Tamar-Newmans Bay
- River Tamar-Newnham Creek Entrance
- River Tamar-North Esk River Entrance
- River Tamar-North Head
- River Tamar-Oak Bluff
- River Tamar-Paper Beach
- River Tamar-Pedders Point
- River Tamar-Pilots Bay
- River Tamar-Pipeclay Bay
- River Tamar-Point Effingham
- River Tamar-Point Rapid
- River Tamar-Port Dalrymple
- River Tamar-Port Dalrymple Yacht Club
- River Tamar-Radcliffes Point
- River Tamar-Ragged Island
- River Tamar-Redwood Bay
- River Tamar-Redwood Islet
- River Tamar-Reids Rock
- River Tamar-Retreat Cove
- River Tamar-Rocky Point
- River Tamar-Rose Bay
- River Tamar-Rowleys Beach
- River Tamar-Royal Park Boat Ramp
- River Tamar-Ruffins Bay
- River Tamar-Saltpan Point
- River Tamar-Saltwater Creek Entrance
- River Tamar-Sandy Beach
- River Tamar-Sawyers Point
- River Tamar-Shag Head
- River Tamar-She Oak Point
- River Tamar-Sheep Tall Point
- River Tamar-Sidmouth Boat Ramp
- River Tamar-South Esk River Entrance
- River Tamar-Spring Bay
- River Tamar-Stephensons Bend
- River Tamar-Stone Quarry Bay
- River Tamar-Stony Brook Entrance
- River Tamar-Supply Bay
- River Tamar-Supply River Entrance
- River Tamar-Swan Bay Creek Entrance
- River Tamar-Symons Creek Entrance
- River Tamar-Tailrace Boat Ramp
- River Tamar-Tamar Island
- River Tamar-Ti Tree Bend
- River Tamar-Town Point
- River Tamar-Trevallyn Tailrace
- River Tamar-West Arm Entrance
- River Tamar-West Bay
- River Tamar-Whirlpool Reach
- River Tamar-Williams Creek Entrance
- River Tamar-Wilmores Bluff
- River Tamar-Windermere Boat Ramp
- River Tamar-Windmill Point
- River Tamar-York Cove
- River Tamar-York Cove Boat Ramp
- River Tamar-York Cove Marina
- River Tamar Entrance
- Riverside
- Riverside North
- Riverside West
- Robigana
- Rocherlea
- Rock Creek Entrance
- Rosevale
- Rosevears
- Ross
- Rossarden
- Round Hill Point
- Rowella
- Royal George
- Roydon Island
- Rum Island
- Rushy Lagoon
- Saint Albans Bay
- Saint Helens Island
- Saint Helens Marina
- Saint Helens Rocks
- Saint Helens Wharf Boat Ramp
- Saint Patricks Foreland
- Saltwater Inlet
- Samphire Island
- Samphire River Entrance
- Sanderson Rocks
- Sandford Bay
- Sandhill
- Sarah Blanche Point
- Sawyers Bay
- Scamander
- Scamander River Entrance
- Scotia Mine
- Scotsmans Creek Entrance
- Scottsdale
- Seal Lagoon Creek Entrance
- Seaton Cove
- Selbourne
- Sellars Point
- Sentinel Island
- Settlement Beach
- Settlement Point
- Settlement Point Boat Ramp
- Seymour
- She Oak Point
- Shear Rock
- Shelly Point
- Sidmouth
- Sisters Passage
- Skeleton Bay
- Skeleton Rock
- Sleepy Beach
- Sloop Lagoon Entrance
- Sloop Reef
- Sloop Rock
- Sneaker Rocks
- South Croppies Point
- South Launceston
- South Mount Cameron
- South Pasco Island
- South Springfield
- South West Isle
- Spike Island
- Springfield
- Squally Cove
- St Helens
- St Helens Airport
- St Helens Point
- St Leonards
- St Marys
- Stacks Bluff
- Stackys Bight
- Stanley Point
- Steels Beach
- Stieglitz
- Stieglitz Boat Ramp
- Stockyards Flat
- Stony Head
- Store Point
- Storehouse Island
- Strzelecki
- Stumpys Bay
- Stumpys Rock
- Suicide Point
- Summerhill
- Swan Bay
- Swan Island
- Swan Point
- Swimcart Beach
- Swimcart Lagoon Entrance
- Swimming Beach
- Symmons Plains Raceway
- Talawa
- Tam OShanter Bay
- Tanners Bay
- Targa
- Tasmania Zoo
- Tayene
- Taylors Beach
- Tebrakunna Bay
- Telita
- Templestowe Beach
- Templestowe Lagoon Entrance
- Tenth Island
- The Acropolis
- The Barway
- The Gardens
- Three Mile Bluff
- Tin Creek Entrance
- Toiberry
- Tomahawk
- Tomahawk Beach
- Tomahawk Island
- Tomahawk Point
- Tomahawk River Entrance
- Tommy Rews Point
- Tonganah
- Tongue Point
- Tooms Lake
- Top Camp Campground
- Travellers Rest
- Tree Point
- Trenah
- Trent Water Estuary Entrance
- Trevallyn
- Trevallyn Dam
- Trousers Point
- Trousers Point Beach
- Trowunna Wildlife Park
- Tulendeena
- Tunnel
- Turners Marsh
- Twelve Hour Point
- Two Mile Reef
- Walls of Jerusalem
- Wardlaws Point
- Warrentinna
- Waterhouse
- Waterhouse Beach
- Waterhouse Island
- Waterhouse Passage
- Waterhouse Point
- Watering Beach
- Watermark Rock
- Waverley
- Weegena
- Weetah
- Weldborough
- West Boat Harbour
- West Cove
- West End Beach
- West Head
- West Launceston
- West Sandy Point
- West Scottsdale
- West Tomahawk Beach
- Westbury
- Western Creek
- Western Junction
- Westwood
- Weymouth
- White Beach
- White Hills
- White Rocks
- Whitemark
- Whitemore
- Windermere
- Wingaroo
- Winkleigh
- Winnaleah
- Winter Cove
- Wright Rock
- Wrinklers Beach
- Wrinklers Lagoon Entrance
- Wybalenna Island
- Wyena