Illawarra Sunrise / Sunset
Sunrise at 6:58 am
Sunrise6:58 amKiamaSunrise at 6:58 am
Sunrise6:59 amJervis BaySunrise at 6:59 am
Sunrise6:59 amNowraSunrise at 6:59 am
Sunrise7:00 amUlladullaSunrise at 7:00 am
- Abrahams Bosom Beach
- Albion Park
- Albion Park Rail
- Aney Street Boat Ramp
- Austinmer
- Australian National University Kioloa Coastal Campus
- Avondale
- Back Forest
- Backwater Creek Entrance
- Badgee Lagoon Entrance
- Bae-Al-Creek Entrance
- Balgownie
- Bamarang
- Bangalee
- Bannisters Point
- Bare Bluff
- Barfleur Beach
- Barrack Heights
- Barrack Point
- Barren Grounds
- Barrengarry
- Barringella
- Basin View
- Bass Islet
- Bass Point
- Bawley Beach
- Bawley Point
- Beaumont
- Beecroft Head
- Beecroft Peninsula
- Bellambi
- Bellambi Beach
- Bellambi Gully Entrance
- Bellambi Point
- Bellambi Reef
- Bellawongarah
- Bells Point
- Belowla Island
- Bendalong
- Bendeela Pondage
- Berkeley
- Berrara
- Berrara Beach
- Berrara Creek Entrance
- Berringer Lake
- Berringer Lake Entrance
- Berry
- Berry Mountain
- Bewong
- Big Island
- Bindijine Beach
- Black Head
- Blackbutt
- Blenheim Beach
- Blow Hole Point
- Blue Gum Flat Campground
- Boat Harbour
- Boat Harbour Beach
- Bolong
- Bomaderry
- Bombo
- Bombo Beach
- Boolijah
- Boorawine Creek Entrance
- Bream Beach
- Bream Creek Entrance
- Brogers Creek
- Brooman
- Broughton
- Broughton Vale
- Broughton Village
- Browns Mountain
- Brownsville
- Brundee
- Brush Island
- Buangla
- Buckleys Beach
- Buckleys Point
- Budawang
- Budderoo
- Budgong
- Bulee
- Bull Pup Beach
- Bulli
- Bulli Beach
- Bulli Showground and Racing Complex
- Bulli Tops
- Bundewallah
- Bungonia Campground
- Burrier
- Burrill Beach
- Burrill Inlet
- Burrill Lake
- Burrill Lake-Highway Bridge
- Bushrangers Bay
- Butlers Point
- Butlers Creek Entrance
- Cabbage Tree Island
- Cabbage Tree Point Beecroft Peninsula
- Calderwood
- Callala Bay
- Callala Beach
- Callala Creek Entrance
- Callala Point
- Cambewarra
- Cambewarra Village
- Cape Horn
- Carricks Creek Entrance
- Carrington Falls
- Cat Creek Entrance
- Cataract
- Charleys Forest
- Chinamans Beach
- Chinamans Beach Hyams Beach
- Chinamans Island
- Church Point
- Clear Point
- Cleveland
- Clifton
- Coal Cliff Harbour
- Coalcliff
- Cockwhy
- Coledale
- Collers Beach
- Collingwood Beach
- Collins Creek Entrance
- Comberton
- Comerong Island
- Coniston
- Conjola
- Conjola Beach
- Conjola Beach Boat Ramp
- Conjola Beach Offshore
- Conjola Island
- Conjola Park
- Coolangatta
- Coolumburra
- Cordeaux
- Cordeaux Dam
- Cordeaux Heights
- Cormorant Beach
- Corrimal
- Corrimal Beach
- Corrimal East
- Crampton Island
- Cringila
- Crocodile Head
- Croobyar
- Crooked River Entrance
- Crookhaven Bight
- Crookhaven Heads
- Crookhaven River Berrys Canal-Apple Orchard Island
- Crookhaven River Berrys Canal-Comerong Island Ferry
- Crookhaven River Berrys Canal-Curries Creek Entrance
- Crookhaven River Berrys Canal-Nobles Island
- Crookhaven River Berrys Canal-Numbaa Point
- Crookhaven River Berrys Canal-Ryans Creek Entrance
- Crookhaven River Berrys Canal-Shaws Creek Entrance
- Crookhaven River-Berrys Canal Entrance
- Crookhaven River-Comerong Bay
- Crookhaven River-Crookhaven Heads Boat Ramp
- Crookhaven River-Crookhaven Jetty
- Crookhaven River-Entrance
- Crookhaven River-Greenwell Point
- Crookhaven River-Greenwell Point Harbour
- Crookhaven River-Greenwell Point Wharf
- Crookhaven River-Haven Island
- Croom
- Cudmirrah
- Cudmirrah Beach
- Culburra Beach
- Cunjurong Boat Ramp
- Cunjurong Point
- Currambene Creek Entrance
- Curramore
- Currarong
- Currarong Beach
- Danjera Dam
- Dapto
- Dapto Greyhound Racing Club
- Darkes Forest
- Dart Point
- Dawsons Island
- Dee Beach
- Depot Beach
- Dolphin Point
- Dombarton
- Dunmore
- Fairy Meadow
- Falls Creek
- Far Meadow
- Farmborough Heights
- Fernhill
- Figtree
- Figtree Inlet
- Fishermans Paradise
- Flagstaff Point
- Flanagans Creek Entrance
- Flatrock Beach
- Flinders
- Flinders Islet
- Foxground
- Garden Island
- Geering Bay
- Gerringong
- Gerroa
- Grasshopper Island
- Green Island
- Green Point
- Greenfield Gully Entrance
- Greenfields Beach
- Greenwell Point
- Gwynneville
- Hare Bay
- Haywards Bay
- Helensburgh
- Hewitts Creek Entrance
- HMAS Albatross
- Honeymoon Bay
- Horse Creek Entrance
- Horsley
- Huntley
- Huskisson
- Huskisson Beach
- Hyams Beach
- Hyams Point
- Illaroo
- Illawarra Regional Airport
- Inyadda Beach
- Inyadda Point
- Island Beach
- Island Point
- Island Point Boat Ramp
- Jamberoo
- Jaspers Brush
- Jaspers Brush Airfield
- Jerrara
- Jerrawangala
- Jervis Bay
- Jervis Bay FAD offshore
- Jew Fish Bay
- Jones or Boyds Beach
- Juwin Head
- Kanahooka
- Kangaroo Point
- Kangaroo Valley
- Keiraville
- Kembla Grange
- Kembla Grange Racecourse
- Kembla Heights
- Kemblawarra
- Kendalls Beach
- Kendalls Point
- Kiama
- Kiama Downs
- Kiama East Beach
- Kiama FAD offshore
- Kiama Harbour
- Kiama Heights
- Kiama Lighthouse
- Kiama Surf Beach
- Killalea Beach
- Kinghorne
- Kings Point
- Kioloa
- Kioloa Beach
- Knights Hill
- Koonawarra
- Kurrakwah Bay
- Lagoon Head
- Lake Avon
- Lake Cataract
- Lake Conjola
- Lake Conjola Entrance
- Lake Heights
- Lake Illawarra
- Lake Illawarra-Berageree Island
- Lake Illawarra-Entrance
- Lake Illawarra-Lake Illawarra Boat Ramp Windang Bridge
- Lake Illawarra-Reddall Reserve Boat Ramp
- Lake Illawarra-Bridge
- Lake Tabourie
- Lake Yarrunga
- Leaning Oak Point
- Lilyvale
- Little Austinmer Beach
- Little Beecroft Head
- Little Forest
- Lobster Jack Beach
- Long Beach
- Long Gully Campground
- Long Point
- Longnose Point
- Longreach
- Loves Bay
- Macleans Point
- Macquarie Pass
- Maddens Plains
- Maloneys Bay
- Mangerton
- Manyana
- Manyana Beach
- Marsden Head
- Marshall Mount
- Martin Islet
- Marulan South
- Mayfield
- McCauleys Beach
- Meroo Head Campground
- Meroo Meadow
- Meroo Point
- Merry Beach
- Metropolitan Mine
- Millards Creek Entrance
- Milton
- Minnamurra
- Minnamurra Beach
- Minnamurra Point
- Minnamurra River Entrance
- Mogood
- Mollymook
- Mollymook Beach
- Mollymook Offshore
- Mondayong
- Monolith Valley
- Montagu Point
- Montagu Roadstead
- Monument Beach
- Moollattoo
- Moona Moona Creek Entrance
- Moores Inlet
- Morton
- Mount Keira
- Mount Kembla
- Mount Kembla Peak
- Mount Kingiman
- Mount Murray
- Mount Nebo
- Mount Ousley
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Saint Thomas
- Mount Warrigal
- Mundamia
- Murramarang Beach
- Murramarang Point
- Murrengenburg
- Myola
- Myrtle Gully Entrance
- Narrawallee
- Narrawallee Beach
- Narrawallee Boat Ramp
- Narrawallee Creek Entrance
- Narrawallee Inlet
- Nelsons Beach
- Nerrindillah Creek Entrance
- North Macquarie
- North Wollongong
- North Wollongong Beach
- Northangera
- Nowra
- Nowra East
- Nowra Hill
- Nowra North
- Nuggan Point
- Numbaa
- Nundera Point
- Palm Beach
- Para Creek Entrance
- Parma
- Pattimores Canal Entrance
- Pebbly Beach
- Penguins Head
- Penrose
- Perkins Beach
- Pheasant Ground
- Pheasant Point
- Pigeon House Mountain
- Plantation Point
- Point Perpendicular
- Point Upright
- Pointer Mountain
- Port Kembla
- Port Kembla Beach
- Port Kembla Boat Harbour
- Port Kembla Offshore
- Porters Creek
- Preservation Rock
- Pretty Beach
- Primbee
- Princess Island
- Pyree
- Racecourse Creek Entrance
- Red Cliff
- Red Head
- Red Point
- Red Rocks
- Reeces Creek Entrance
- Reedy Creek Entrance
- Reidtown
- Racecourse Beach
- Riviere Keys Entrance
- Rose Valley
- Russell Vale
- Saddleback Mountain
- Saddleback Mountain Peak
- Sailors Beach
- Sanctuary Point
- Sanctuary Point Boat Ramp John Williams Reserve
- Sandon Point
- Sandon Point Beach
- Sassafras
- Scarborough
- Sepulchre Island
- Seven Mile Beach
- Sharkies Beach
- Shell Cove
- Shell Harbour City Centre
- Shellharbour
- Shellharbour FAD offshore
- Shellharbour North Beach
- Shellharbour South Beach
- Shelly Beach
- Shoalhaven City Turf Club
- Shoalhaven Greyhound Racing Club
- Shoalhaven Heads
- Shoalhaven Heads Inlet
- Shoalhaven Offshore
- Shoalhaven River-Abernethys Creek Entrance
- Shoalhaven River-Bomaderry Creek Entrance
- Shoalhaven River-Broughton Creek Entrance
- Shoalhaven River-Cabbage Tree Creek Entrance
- Shoalhaven River-Greys Beach
- Shoalhaven River-Greys Beach Boat Ramp
- Shoalhaven River-Gypsy Point
- Shoalhaven River-Humbug Reach
- Shoalhaven River-Long Point
- Shoalhaven River-Mundamia Creek Entrance
- Shoalhaven River-Nowra Bridge
- Shoalhaven River-Nowra Creek Entrance
- Shoalhaven River-Nowra Wharf
- Shoalhaven River-Numbaa Island
- Shoalhaven River-Okeefes Point
- Shoalhaven River-Old Man Island
- Shoalhaven River-Pig Island
- Shoalhaven River-Regatta Creek Entrance
- Shoalhaven River-Regatta Island
- Shoalhaven River-Thompsons Point
- Shoalhaven River Entrance
- Shoalhaven Zoo
- Slacky Creek Entrance
- Smithys Point
- Snake Bay
- Snake Inlet
- Snapper Point
- South Nowra
- Spring Creek Entrance
- Spring Hill
- St George
- St Georges Basin
- Stack Island
- Stanwell Creek Entrance
- Stanwell Park
- Stanwell Park Beach
- Stanwell Tops
- Stockyard Creek Entrance
- Stokes Island
- Stony Creek Entrance
- Storm Bay
- Sunburnt Beach Campground
- Sussex Inlet
- Sussex Inlet-Talofa Caravan Park
- Sussex Inlet Boat Ramp Boatharbour Drive
- Sussex Inlet Boat Ramp Lakehaven Drive
- Sussex Inlet Boat Ramp Neilson Lane
- Sussex Inlet Coastal Patrol Jetty
- Swan Lake Entrance
- Swanhaven
- Symbio Wildlife Park
- Tabourie Beach
- Tabourie Creek Entrance
- Tabourie Point
- Tallowa Dam
- Tallowal
- Tapalla Point
- Tapitallee
- Target Beach
- Tarrawanna
- Terara
- Termeil
- Termeil Beach
- Termeil Creek Entrance
- Termeil Point
- Thirroul
- Thirroul Beach
- Tianjara
- Tolwong
- Tomerong
- Tongarra
- Toolijooa
- Touga
- Towradgi
- Towradgi Beach
- Towradgi Creek Entrance
- Towradgi Point
- Tranquillity Bay
- Tullarwalla
- Tullimbar
- Twelve Mile Peg
- Ulladulla
- Ulladulla Boat Harbour
- Ulladulla FAD offshore
- Ulladulla Head
- Ulladulla Lighthouse
- Ulladulla North Harbour Boat Ramp
- Ulladulla South Harbour Boat Ramp
- Unanderra
- University of Wollongong Innovation Campus
- University of Wollongong Shoalhaven
- University of Wollongong Wollongong
- Upper Kangaroo River
- Upper Kangaroo Valley
- Wairo Beach
- Walkers Beach
- Wandandian
- Warden Head
- Warilla
- Warilla Beach
- Warrain Beach
- Warrawong
- Washerwomans Beach
- Watersleigh
- Wattamolla
- Werri Beach
- Werrong Beach
- West Cliff Colliery
- West Nowra
- Whartons Creek Entrance
- Wilfords Point
- Willinga Lake Entrance
- Willinga Point
- Willow Vale
- Wilsons Beach
- WIN Entertainment Centre
- Windang
- Windang Bay
- Windang Beach
- Windang Foreshore Park
- Windang Island
- Wog Wog
- Wollongong
- Wollongong City Beach
- Wollongong Harbour
- Wollongong West
- Wollumboola
- Wombarra
- Wongawilli
- Woodburn
- Woodhill
- Woodlands Creek Entrance
- Woodstock
- Woollamia
- Woonona
- Woonona Beach
- Woonona East
- Worrigee
- Worrowing Heights
- Wowly Creek Entrance
- Wrights Beach