Northern Sunrise / Sunset
Sunrise at 6:12 am
Sunrise6:15 amInghamSunrise at 6:15 am
Sunrise6:14 amCharters TowersSunrise at 6:14 am
Sunrise6:08 amCollinsvilleSunrise at 6:08 am
- Abbot Bay
- Abbot Bay-Saltwater Creek Entrance
- Abbot Point
- Abergowrie
- Acheron Island
- Adelaide Point
- Agnes Island
- Airdmillan
- Airville
- Aitkenvale
- Alabama Hill
- Albino Rock
- Alice River
- Alligator Creek
- Alligator Creek Entrance
- Allingham
- Alma Bay Beach
- Alma Creek Entrance
- Althaus Creek Entrance
- Alva
- Annandale
- Anzac Reefs
- Arab Reef
- Arc Reef
- Arcadia
- Arcadia Bay
- Armstrong Creek Entrance
- Arthur Bay
- Ayr
- Ayr Airport
- Backnumbers Reef
- Bald Islet
- Balding Bay
- Balfes Creek
- Balgal Beach
- Bambaroo
- Bamboo Dam
- Banfield Reef
- Banksia Bay
- Banksia Creek Entrance
- Barber Island
- Bare Islet
- Barnett Patches
- Barramundi Creek Entrance
- Barratta
- Barratta Creek Entrance
- Barringha
- Basalt
- Beach Holm
- Belgian Gardens
- Bemerside
- Big Broadhurst Reef
- Big Crystal Creek Campground
- Billabong Sanctuary
- Binbee
- Black Jack
- Black River
- Black River Entrance
- Blackrock
- Blue Hills
- Bluewater
- Bluewater Beach
- Bluewater Creek Entrance
- Bluewater Park
- Bogie
- Bohle
- Bohle Plains
- Bohle River Entrance
- Bolger Bay
- Bootooloo
- Boulder Bay
- Bowden Reef
- Bowen
- Bowen Airport
- Bowen Boat Harbour
- Bowen Boat Ramp Horseshoe Bay Road
- Bowen Boat Ramp Starboard Drive
- Bowen Jetty
- Bowen Marina Slipways
- Bowl Reef
- Bowling Green Bay
- Braemeadows
- Braggs Reef
- Bramble Reef
- Bramble Rock
- Branch Creek Entrance
- Brandon
- Bray Islet
- Breakwater Marina
- Breddan
- Bremner Point
- Bright Point
- Brisk Bay
- Brisk Island
- Britomart Reef
- Broadwater Campground
- Bronte Beach
- Brookhill
- Broughton
- Buchanan
- Bullumbooroo Bay
- Burdekin Falls Dam Airport
- Burdekin River-Oyster Rocks
- Burdekin River Campground
- Burdekin River Entrance
- Burdekin River Entrance Ana Branch
- Burdell
- Bushland Beach
- Butler Bay
- Butlers Creek Entrance
- Calcium
- Camp Island
- Camp Oven Creek Entrance
- Campaspe
- Cape Bowling Green
- Cape Cleveland
- Cape Edgecumbe
- Cape Ferguson
- Cape Pallarenda
- Cape Richards
- Cape Sandwich
- Cape Upstart
- Cape Woora
- Carstairs
- Casement Bay
- Cassidy Beach
- Castle Hill
- Castor Reef
- Centipede Reef
- Charity Reef
- Charters Towers
- Charters Towers Airport
- Chicken Reef
- Chunda Bay
- Clare
- Clemant
- Cleveland Bay
- Cluden
- Cluden Racecourse
- Cockle Bay
- Cocky Lake Dam
- Cocoa Creek Entrance
- Coconut Bay
- Coil Reef
- Colevale
- Collinsville
- Collinsville Airport
- Collinsville Coal Mine
- Columbia
- Condon
- Coolbie
- Coolgaree Bay
- Coral Creek Mouth
- Cordelia
- Cordelia Rocks
- Cosgrove
- Cowboys Reef
- Cranbrook
- Crimea
- Crocodile Creek Entrance
- Cromarty
- Crotan Reef
- Crystal Creek
- Crystal Creek Entrance
- Cungulla
- Cup Reef
- Curacoa Island
- Curlewis Bay
- Currajong
- Dalbeg
- Dalrymple Creek
- Dalrymple Point
- Damper Creek
- Darley Reef
- Davies Reef
- Deeragun
- Delta
- Dingo Reef
- Dip Reef
- Discovery Parks-Townsville
- Don River Entrance
- Donnington Airpark
- Dotswood
- Doughtys Creek Entrance
- Douglas
- Duck Creek Entrance
- Duncan Reef
- Eagle Reef
- Eclipse Island
- Eight Mile Creek
- Electra Head
- Eliot River Entrance
- Emu Creek Entrance
- Endeavour Creek Entrance
- Esk Island
- Eumara Lake
- Euri Creek Entrance
- Eva Island
- Ewan
- Faith Reef
- Falcon Island
- Fantome Island
- Faraday Reef
- Fawn Head
- Five Beach Bay
- Flagstaff Bay
- Flinders Reef
- Florence Bay
- Fly Island
- Flying Fox Island
- Fore And Aft Reef
- Foresthome
- Forrest Beach
- Four Foot Rock
- Fredericksfield
- French Reef
- Gairloch
- Garbutt
- Garbutt East
- Garrawalt
- Gattonvale Offstream Storage
- Gentle Annie Beach
- Gentle Annie Creek Entrance
- Geoffrey Bay
- George Point
- Giru
- Glow Reef
- Goold Island
- Gowrie Bay
- Grand Secret
- Granite Vale
- Grays Bay
- Great Palm Island
- Greenvale
- Gregory Springs Airport
- Groper Creek
- Grub Reef
- Gulliver
- Gumlow
- Gumlu
- Guthalungra
- Halifax
- Halifax Bay
- Haughton River Entrance
- Havannah Island
- Hawkings Point
- Hawkins Creek
- Hayman Rock
- Heatley
- Hecate Point
- Helens Hill
- Helix Reef
- Herald Island
- Hermit Park
- Hervey Range
- Hidden Valley
- Hillcock Point
- Hillgrove
- Hillgrove Airport
- Hinchinbrook
- Hinchinbrook Island
- Home Hill
- Homestead
- Hopkinson Reef
- Horseshoe Bay
- Horseshoe Bay Bowen
- Horseshoe Lagoon
- Huntingfield Bay
- Hyde Park
- Jaguar Reef
- James Cook University
- Jaraga
- Jarvisfield
- Jensen
- Jerona
- John Brewer Reef
- Jourama Falls Campground
- Joyce Bay
- Judith Wright Reef
- Julago
- Jupiter Reef
- Lannercost
- Launs Beach
- Leichhardt Creek Entrance
- Lion Reef
- Lissner
- Little Broadhurst Reef
- Little Kelso Reef
- Little Ramsay Bay
- Liver Point
- Llanarth
- Lodestone Reef
- Long Beach
- Long Pocket
- Lorna Creek Entrance
- Lovers Bay
- Lucinda
- Lucinda offshore
- Lucky Downs Airport
- Lynam
- Lynchs Beach
- Lynchs Reef
- Macknade
- Macrossan
- Macrossan Airport
- Magnetic Island
- Magnetic Island Marina
- Maiden Creek Entrance
- Majors Creek
- Maud Bay
- McCanes Bay
- McDesme
- Merinda
- Mid Reef
- Middle Island
- Middle Reef
- Miles Lake
- Millaroo
- Millchester
- Mine Island
- Mingela
- Miranda Point
- Missionary Bay
- Molongle Beach
- Molongle Creek Mouth
- Mona Park
- Montpelier Airfield
- Moongobulla
- Mosman Park
- Moss Reef
- Mount Aberdeen
- Mount Bowen
- Mount Buckley
- Mount Coolon
- Mount Coolon Airport
- Mount Cooper Airport
- Mount Elliot
- Mount Fox
- Mount Kelly
- Mount Louisa
- Mount Low
- Mount St John
- Mount Stuart
- Mount Surround
- Mount Wright Mine
- Mount Wyatt
- Mud Creek Entrance
- Mulgrave
- Mulligan Bay
- Mundingburra
- Mundy Bay
- Mundy Creek Entrance
- Murray
- Murray Bay
- Mutarnee
- Myrmidon Reef
- Mysterton
- Natal Downs Airport
- Ned Lee Creek Entrance
- Needle Reef
- Nelly Bay
- Nelly Bay Harbour
- Newlands
- Nina Bay
- Nobbies Inlet
- Nobby Head
- Nome
- Norris Bay
- North East Bay
- North Head Island
- North Island
- North Queensland Cruising Yacht Club
- North Rock
- North Ward
- Numbullabudgee Bay
- Oak Valley
- Old Reef
- Ollera Creek Entrance
- Onion Bay
- Oolbun
- Oonoonba
- Orchard Rocks
- Orient
- Orient Creek Entrance
- Orpheus Island
- Osborne
- Otter Reef
- Pajingo Gold Mine
- Pallarenda
- Palm Creek Entrance
- Palm Island Airport
- Palm Island Jetty
- Paluma
- Paluma Dam
- Pandora Reef
- Paradise Bay
- Parkside
- Peacock Siding
- Pelorus Island
- Pencil Bay
- Pentland
- Peters Island
- Petersen Creek Entrance
- Phillips Reef
- Picnic Bay
- Picnic Bay Jetty
- Picnic Beach
- Pimlico
- Pinnacles
- Pith Reef
- Plantation Creek Entrance
- Pollux Reef
- Poole Island
- Port of Bowen
- Port Of Townsville
- Powlathanga
- Prawn Reef
- Radical Bay
- Railway Estate
- Ramsay Bay
- Rangemore
- Rangewood
- Rasmussen
- Rattlesnake Island
- Ravenswood
- Red Rock Bay
- Reeves Lake
- Reg Ward Reef
- Regina Bay
- Reid River
- Reno Bay
- Retreat Creek Entrance
- Rib Reef
- Richmond Hill
- Rita Island
- Rocky Bay
- Rocky Ponds Creek Mouth
- Rollingstone
- Rollingstone Bay
- Rollingstone Beach Front Resort
- Rollingstone Creek Entrance
- Rose Bay
- Roseneath
- Ross Creek-Townsville Yacht Club Marina
- Ross Creek Entrance
- Ross River
- Ross River Entrance
- Rosslea
- Rowes Bay
- Roxburgh Reef
- Rungoo
- Russell Island
- Salamander Reef
- Salmon Creek Entrance
- Saltwater Creek Entrance
- Sandfly Creek Entrance
- Sandhills Creek Entrance
- Saucer Reef
- Saunders Beach
- Saville-Kent Reef
- Scottville
- Sellheim
- Seventy Mile
- Shark Bay
- Shaw
- Sheep Station Creek Entrance
- Sheepwash Creek Entrance
- Shell Reef
- Shelly Beach
- Shelly Cove
- Shelly Creek Entrance
- Shepherd Bay
- Shirbourne
- Shrimp Reef
- Sleeper Log Creek Entrance
- Snug Harbour
- Solomon Dam
- Sonoma Mine
- South Ayr
- South Island
- South Townsville
- South West Cape
- Southern Cross
- Splitters Creek Entrance
- Spoon Reef
- Springlands
- SS Yongala
- Stanley Reef
- Stone Island
- Strand Pier
- Stuart
- Sunballa Point
- Surveyors Creek Entrance
- Swans Lagoon
- Tabias Reef
- Taylors Beach
- The Point
- The Strand Beach
- Thomas Island
- Three Mile Creek Entrance
- Thuringowa
- Toll
- Toobanna
- Toolakea
- Toomba Lake
- Toomulla
- Toonpan
- Towers Hill
- Town Common
- Townsville
- Townsville Airport
- Townsville Fairway Beacon
- Townsville Greyhound Racing Club
- Townsville Street Circuit
- Townsville Woodlands Holiday Park
- Trebonne
- Trunk Reef
- Tween Island
- Twenty Foot Rock
- Wakala
- Walker Reef
- Wallaby Point
- Wallaman
- Wallaman Falls Campground
- Wangaratta
- West End
- West Point
- Westmoreland Reef
- Wharps
- Wheeler Reef
- White Cliffs
- White Lady Bay
- White Rock
- Whitfield Cove
- Whitsunday Shores
- Wild Boar Creek Entrance
- Willows Sports Complex
- Wilson Bay
- Wirralie Gold Mine Airport
- Woodstock
- Woolshed
- Wulguru
- Wunjunga